Creative Cast Studies

Looking a white plaster is such an interseting experience of the color that exists in white! So much color


After I enjoyed creating a thumbnail I begin makeing other studies. Below I am testing different pigments, and their capacties to makethe greys I am seeking for the final painting. I am looking to find a feeling of smooth thinking on my palette in this process. I ask repeatedly, how will I cool this efficiently and how will I gently warm this pigment efficiently….

All of these side by side studies help me create a tactile and visual experience for the planning of how the future piece will evolve


seperate sketch, graphite on gessoed stonehenge oil paper


alla prima WIP 6”x4” Burnt Umber, Ivory Black, Titanium White, Flake White


2.5 “ thumbnail in graphite on bristol board


The tiny chef


on the easel exploring spatial awareness (the study and the painting)