Head Studies with studio Escalier

This week I was so excited to begin meeting up to listen to lectures and utilize videos of models posting with Michelle Tully at her Atelier , Studio Escalier near Paris. I have love her holistic and thorough knowledge sharing and resources she is sharing. Its very autonomous and asynchronous which I really enjoy when it comes integrating ideas and finding focus.

In the first sequence I believe the middle phase of this portrait is the most successful. I enjoy the shape design, number of values, simplicity, and the darkest darkest are reading really well. The later phase of the drawing there are some added planes I will edit out now. But for the sake of keeping on keeping on…. I tend not to dwell and just analyze my efforts and move on. Below is another drawing sequence from week 1.

This drawing is also early on in the phase of work. By the 3rd drawing its only 4 hours of work. I have added enough value to seek where I will changed some structural points and then continue to add value. However, these are intended for paintings so I am leaving the graphite for now and moving onto the painting. :)

Thanks for reading.

Enjoy some drawing today.


In Her Studio Publishing


Portrait Master Study of Mau-Kun Lim portrait drawing