Fun to Find

 There are locations and spaces our minds never forget. I suppose I should add people to that tendency as well.  It's wonderful to have memories of transitions and change.  Yesterday I found this image on the Florence Academy's website and found myself in the left corner ! This is the the studio of the FAA on Via Della Casine, known as Casine. This place is the initial experience of every student and its known as the 1st year building. The skylights and small studios make it the working hub for figure drawing training and eye training that begins with copying drawings by Charles Bargue. (see the Florence Academy tab on my website) 

This image is from the evening drawing hours and the well known Simona Dolci is the teacher present, in the far right of the foreground , for that evenings session. Its important to remember the hours and dedication that took place in this building for me. Its the type of focus and attention that rarely is generated elsewhere.  For me, I watched my drawing skill evolved in a remarkable way in this place. And my hope is to return for the painting portion of the program. I completed my first year there and continued training on my own once I was hone in The States. Once the routine of 3 a day , 3 hours sessions in your system, its tough to do anything else ;) . 

This small post is perhaps a Thank you to the FAA for their dedication to training and excellence and the inspiring people that make up its core. 

light seen is light from the past

— Ann Voskamp
Whatever the soul knows how to seek, it cannot fail to obtain -
— Margaret Fuller

A Person should hear a little music, read a little poetry and see a fine picture every day in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.
— Johann Von Goethe


Youth Workshop was a hit!

