EdUcational & Inspiring reads
This book is fantastic! Todd Casey gets into technician questions! I love how it shares a variety of approaches in each subject covered. This edition is only one of his 6 masterful books.
Harold Speeds historical drawing book is different than any other drawing book I’ve read. This is a book that feels conversational and allows you to think about your process. I enjoy this book because it feels less distracting than most drawing books. Harold also relates drawing to painting and this is a specific focus and sensation at the easel that helps to train painters to handle the medium.
drawing training
Juliette Aristedes book on classical drawing is so beautiful, practical, and instructional. Like all the books I am listing on this page, this one is one you can refer to over and over. Google her and you’ll discover a world of education! She has many books now and is the founder of Gage Academy in Seattle.
LIfe. Painting. Seeing
Richard Schmid is a legend. His focus is painting from life. His books use language that allows you to feel as though you are speaking to a full-time painter… and apprenticing in his studio. His books are such a gift because of the way he discusses what he sees as though he is speaking to another painter. It’s a beautiful book.